Whether you’re a new bitcoin user looking to get your hands dirty with your first bitcoin wallet, or just looking for additional ways to earn free Cryptocurrency, this section contains an up-to-date list of the best websites to help you get your virtual hands on Bitcoin and other crypto currencies.
Each of the sites below allows you to earn free bitcoin: some by viewing ads, some by answering captcha challenges, and some by doing crowdsourced work. If you’re looking to earn some free bitcoin, you came to the right place.
Make cryptocurrency With Your Computer & Graphic card
You can make free Bitcoin with your computer power. This method is now easy, thanks to the new software which allow users easily setup and begin mining with their computers without have trouble to configure programmatically the scripts.
You have to signup for one of those websites, install their app and and let it run when you want to make bitcoin.
MinerGate is a mining pool created by a group of cryptocoin enthusiasts.
It is the first pool which provides service for merged mining. This means that while mining on our pool you can mine different coins simultaniously without decrease of hashrate for major coin.
Mine Cryptos with your own equipement
Get Free Bitcoin from Bitcoin Faucets
Bitcoin faucets are websites that rewad their visitors with some free fractions of BTC. Visitors can claim multiple times every day. Bellow are some of the best websites to claim free bitcoin as of the end of 2017

One of the most popular bitcoin faucets, moonbitcoin. It is one of the most reputable, highest traffic, bitcoin faucets on the internet. The massive traffic allows advertisers to make greater payments for ad space, enabling visitors with more free bitcoin and guaranteed payouts.
Visit MoonBitcoin
Still remember when I discovered FreeBitco.in and was astonished with how well done the site is in comparison to other Bitcoin faucets, how fast the site loaded and after receiving my first payout how it has consistently been a reliable source of Bitcoins for me.
Invest In Cryptocurrency
Investing in altcoins is very risky and can hurt your wallet if you are not careful but it can also give you unbelievable returns. I wanted to go over a couple of strategies you can use when entering into altcoins and show you few ways to get your hands into cryptos
Cloud Mining
Cloud mining offers a unique option for mining with a low cost of entry as well as minimal risk and expense, which is opposite to traditional models of mining that involve procurement, maintenance and configuration of highly specialized hardware.